If and else

If-statements can have a short statement, e. g., for declaring the variable used:

if x := math.Pi; x < 3 {
	fmt.Println("x is less than 3")
} else {
	fmt.Println("x is greater than or equal to 3")

The variables used are only available in the scope of the if-statement.


The default is only run when no other case is matching:

var number int = 45
switch number {
	case 42:
		fmt.Println("is 42")
	case 43:
		fmt.Println("is 43")
		fmt.Println("is default")

Switch instead of if-else

Switch can be used to replace if-else in a cleaner way sometimes:

var number int = 45
switch {
	case number == 50:
		fmt.Println("Number is 50")
	case number == 45:
		fmt.Println("Number is 45")
	case number == 40:

Next Chapter: For loops in Go