Both methods are built-in and used for memory allocation and initialization of types.


  • Allocates zeroed storage for a variable of the specified type (“zeroed memory” refers to a block of memory that has all of its bits set to zero)
  • Initializes it to the zero value of the type, e.g. 0 or an empty string.
  • Returns a pointer to the newly allocated value
  • new()can be used for all types of data, even simple types like integers
  • Can be used with the varkeyword and short assignment :=
  • Usually used for types like structs
max := new(Person)

In the example above, this will print a pointer to the empty struct: &{ 0}.


new()can be used with both the varkeyword and the shortcut for variable initialization:

var people = new(map[string]Person)  
// or:   
people := new(map[string]Person)


Compared to new()it can be only used for Go’s built-in types slices, maps and channels. make()does not only allocate memory, but also initialize the underlying data structure:

  • For slices, make allocates an array of the specified type and size, and returns a slice reference to this array. This reference includes the length and capacity of the slice.
  • For maps, make initializes the hash map structure.
  • For channels, make sets up the channel’s data buffer and control structures.

make()can also be used with both the varkeyword and the short assignment :=.

var people = new(map[string]Person)  
// or:   
people := new(map[string]Person)

Next chapter: Packages and Package Management